Thank you for your interest in quIRC. You will find that quIRC has features not found in any other client like ways to connect to others on the net directly without IRC and group DCC chat. Yes you can invite a group of people to DCC chat in private, yet to everyone in the group it looks like your in a IRC channel. There are two versions of quIRC. The standard version which supports simple one line scripting and is addiquate for 99% of all users. The Java enabled version is for scripters and allows complete customization using the JavaSofts JDK (Java Development Kit). Don't download the Java version unless you want direct access to the IRC messages and would like to use this powerful feature to create sophisticated scripts like IRC bots. The files in this directory are: ReadMe.txt This file quIRC541s.exe The standard version of quIRC quIRC541s_Java.exe The Java enabled version of quIRC help541.exe A help file for quIRC If you want to write scripts in Java then down load the JDK version 1.1.7 at and read the help file under "Commands and Scripts" and then the section on the "Java Programing Interface". You can try the version JDK 1.2 beta but this has not been tested with quIRC and I don't know if the JRE that is included with the download is fully compatible. I'd rather wait until they remove the word "beta" from it. Version 542 is due out soon. See the web page development log for a discription of upcoming enhancements.