LOST: 'Adopting an Ada Program - the Experience of Whitakers Words ' LOST: 'An Introduction to Ada for Beginning and Experienced Programmers' LOST: 'API-Powered Dictionaries For Digitally Under-Represented Languages' LOST: 'Arrival & Informal Discussions' LOST: 'Coding the next generation of localisation tools' LOST: 'Informal Discussions & Closing' LOST: 'IXA pipes: Easy and ready use NLP tools for language communities' LOST: 'Make with Ada - Small Projects to Have Fun with Ada! ' LOST: 'Welcome' OK: (135M) 'Continuous translation with Weblate' OK: (138M) 'Apertium: A free/open-source rule-based machine translation platform' OK: (151M) 'Integrate spell and grammar checking' OK: (173M) 'Micro- and Macro-Optimizing a Distributed System' OK: (196M) 'Memory Management with Ada 2012' OK: (51M) 'Heterogeneous Parallel Computing with Ada Tasking' OK: (59M) 'Increasing access to free and open knowledge for speakers of underserved languages on Wikipedia' OK: (66M) 'Learn what you can do for your language ' OK: (74M) 'A Command-Line Driver Generator' OK: (84M) 'CrazyFlie Drone Software in SPARK Ada' OK: (90M) 'Controlling a Train Model with GNAT GPL for Raspberry Pi 2 ' PARTIAL: (104M) (no slides) 'Informal Discussions' PARTIAL: (36M) 'Creating a 3D Game Engine in Windows - Lessons Learned from Doom 3 BFG' PARTIAL: (95M) '10 easy steps to ruin your localization'